Présentation 10 mai 2023 :)
Angelica Ceccato
EDESTA Paris 8
Espace sensible :
esthétique et écologie des technologies spatiales
« Most people in the Western cultural tradition still believe in the Victorian ideal of progress, [...] “the assumption that a pattern of change exists in the history of mankind … that it consists of irreversible changes in one direction only, and that this direction is towards improvement. »
Ronald WRIGHT, A Short History of Progress, 2004
Tim Ingold, "Globes and Spheres", The Perception of the Environment, Londres, Routhledge, 2000, p. 210
Planetarité (?)
Manfred CLYNES, Nathan KLINE, "Cyborgs and Space", Astronautics, Septembre 1960
1. Omnia mea mecum porto
(paradigme de la combinaison)
Lisa MESSERI, Placing Outer Space, Londres, Duke University Press, 2016
2. Place-making + (para)terraforming
Lisa MESSERI, Placing Outer Space, Londres, Duke University Press, 2016
a. Gradatim Ferociter
b. head down. plow through the line
b. head down. plow through the line / Star City
The new ISSpresso machine was recently installed on the International Space Station. In order to utilize the ISSpresso, a NASA standard drink bag is installed, along with a capsule containing the beverage item that the crew member wishes to drink. After the item has been brewed, the used capsule and the drink bag are removed.
Titanic dans l'espace
ou poissons sur Mars
“ The station would notice every iceberg and warn ships… the disaster of the Titanic in 1912 would have been avoided by such means”
Hermann Oberth
ANDERS G. Vue de la Lune: réflexions sur les vols spatiaux. Genève (Suisse) : Ed. Héros-Limite, 2022.
“Humanity needs Mars because it will provide a stage for improvisation in order to manufacture the next great development. This narrative notably lacks natives and slavery, bigotry and disease, oppression and poverty. It is a powerful story because of its simplicity and because it cleanly juxtaposes alien Mars with the familiar frontier.”
Lisa MESSERI, Placing Outer Space, Londres, Duke University Press, 2016
SPIVAK Gayatri C. Death of a discipline. New York : Columbia University Press, 2003. 128 p.(The Wellek Library lectures in critical theory).
"pour terraformer la Lune, il faut lunifier la Terre"
Cylindre O'Neill
sphère de Bernal
SCHMUDE R. W. Artificial satellites and how to observe them. New York : Springer, 2012. 181 p.(Astronomers’ observing guides).